Saturday, October 18, 2014

I have thought many times about sitting down and writing this.  Its not that I'm too busy, I really believe we have time for what we make time, or that I cant think of anything to say.  The thing is that I think it is very important to choose my words wisely.  This blog, for many of you, is the only insight  into my life here or even into Haiti as a country, other than the few things you hear in the news of course.  I do not wish to oooh and ahh you with stories of poverty stricken families, voodoo or how I am making Haiti a better place.  I live in a very beautiful place with very beautiful people who are making me a better person.  Life is real here and so are the struggles.  I notice that here the struggles are more apparent than what I am accustomed to but struggle is everywhere.
I have been thinking, as I always am, about how I live my life.  Do I live contradictory to what I say? If I really believe what I say I believe my life WILL reflect that.  We are on a journey.  I understand that.  I am not condemning myself or anyone else.  I live in grace.  I humbly cling to grace but I desire to continue to be transformed.  I was made in the image of God.  I was made to glorify God.  If I understand these two fundamental truths things become

much simpler.  Life is not a fight or a race and what you "need" is a very short list.  Life is beautiful and purposeful.  Have joy.  Its ok to not always be happy but allow joy to be present.  Stop trying so hard.  Rest.  Know who you are.  Be content with where you are but do not be satisfied staying there.  Have dreams but know that those dreams, whether they come to fruition or not, are another stepping stone.  Its not that you're never finished or its never good enough, its that you GET to keep going, it gets better.  Life is bigger than you or I can see.  Thank God there is so much beyond what we can see or understand, thank God there is a bigger picture.  Please know how special you are and how much value you have.

There are so many things I am thankful for and so blessed to be doing!
I started teaching!  Teaching is difficult.  I prepare more for my job than I ever have in the past.  I am teaching two 3 year old classes, 2 four year old classes, 3 kindergarden classes, 5th grade, 6th grade and an "adult" English class(mainly high school students).  The children are amazing!  They learn very quickly and have lots of fun.  Teaching also helps me learn creole which is an added bonus.  We are trying to start a pen pal program for the 5th and 6th grade with students in the states.  The kids are so excited about this and I really think it will encourage them to learn more.  When I proposed this idea to the teachers and principal they said "What about us?  They don't want to write to us too?".  So we will have a program for not only the students but also teachers!  There is another missionary coming in January and she will be teaching English also.  In January we will be able to provide English classes for all preschool and primary classes!

I am doing a Bible study with high school girls and its going great!  They are so wonderful and eager to learn.  I love how they ask questions and share stories of their lives(and bear with my lack of creole). 

Got to go to a baby dedication for the little sister and nephew of the little girl I sponsor, Nadieuda.

Nadieuda and I made brownies together :)

Got to visit the an amazing waterfall and bat cave!

And I have some sweet kids who live in my area who are always playing outside.  If I am home then I am sure to hear "Neeeecole!" I'll get a picture of those precious babies and post next time.

I love you all!  

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